Package-level declarations

Classes to connect and manage a set of Square Readers.


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Methods of payments that might be supported by readers.

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Error conditions that arise when pairing readers.

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interface PairingHandle

Representation of a reader pairing available immediately from ReaderManager.pairReader. Provides a way to interact with an ongoing reader pairing, e.g. stop it.

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class ReaderChangedEvent(val change: ReaderChangedEvent.Change, val reader: ReaderInfo, val readerState: ReaderInfo.State, val readerSerialNumber: String?)

Data provided by Mobile Payments SDK to indicate a change in a specific reader.

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class ReaderInfo(val id: String, val model: ReaderInfo.Model, val state: ReaderInfo.State, val serialNumber: String?, val name: String, val batteryStatus: ReaderInfo.BatteryStatus?, val firmwareVersion: String?, val firmwarePercent: Int?, val supportedCardEntryMethods: Set<CardEntryMethod>, val isForgettable: Boolean = model == Model.CONTACTLESS_AND_CHIP, val isBlinkable: Boolean = model == Model.CONTACTLESS_AND_CHIP)

Provides information about an individual card reader at a given time. This is an immutable snapshot of the reader's past state, not a live model object. Updates are provided via callbacks registered via ReaderManager.setReaderChangedCallback.

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interface ReaderManager

Tracks changes to the set of available readers and their state; provides pairing and removal capabilities for card readers.